It is almost exactly as it sounds.
1. Find somewhere dark
2. Get out a torch
3. Set your camera on a tripod
4. Open the shutter to bulb (Remote helps here with stability)
5. Get around in front of your camera and shine your torch at the camera.
6. Try to draw a picture or something
7. Close your shutter.
You can do some cool things with this. You can try to draw a man in certain poses, draw objects and write words (albeit backwards) to name a few. You can also use your torch to light areas of the scene up. As I have done with the chair and the guitar. I've seen this done with whole buildings and the effect can be awesome. I have heaps of ideas, now I just need the time and weather to align and I'll be set.
For this first photo, I stood on the other side of the chair and faced the camera. Then I switched on my torch and tried (poorly) to draw a man sitting in the chair. Then I went back around to the back of the camera and shone my torch on the bits I wanted to highlight. The chair and the guitar. That's it.