Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just Jack

A little while ago I was asked to do a portrait sitting for a one year old. I had taken some set shots of my daughter before who is the same age, but never a dedicated sitting... maybe I should have practiced with her a little more.

We started off at the park, I got there about 30mins beforehand just to check on some areas I had been scouting out earlier. As it turned out I was about 1hr early because the family and I had mixed up where we were meeting and we were at different parks...

Lesson Learned: Always ensure both the client and yourself are clear on where you are meeting.

By the time we had got there, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped and poor little Jack was getting miserable. We sat him down and I quickly set up 1 bare strobe and started snapping and cheering, whistling, clapping, whatever to get his attention while the parents tried to bribe him with toys, but he'd had enough after about 3mins.

We set off back towards my place where I had set up a plain backdrop just in case of exactly this. It was warm and after 10mins of me setting up we were ready.

Jack still didn't want to play nice, but we got some good shots, we used heaps of props - A red laundry tub, a slide, a chair, leaves, bubbles, books, etc.

All in all a success, but hard work. Here's one of my favourites.