Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lotus Exige HDR

Since the birth of our little girl, I've had bugger all chance to get out with my camera. I'm trying to remedy that... it's hard though, I really like being around her!

Anyway we took her to Queensland the other week and I got out a little Not so excited about the results as my timings and prior recon work were non-existent especially because I had no Idea when and where the opportunity to get out would occur.

I also bought myself a Nikon 50mm F1.8 prime lens while in Brisbane as well. Thanks to www.d-d-photographics.com. Man this thing is sharp. Noticeably better than the kit 18-55mm lens I currently have. Time for some serious upgrading.

I did, however, manage to get a serious of bracketed shots of a Lotus Exige. Again not very well planned, but better than nothing. I love HDR and this one is OK.

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