A while back Lee Kernaghan played here at the Nowra showgrounds. It was a free concert to help celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Rugby League. Of course I took my camera. Any one who has been to a Lee Kernaghan concert knows that he fully condones cameras. And I took way too many photos. I started to use the aperture mode which I generally use, but found the photo's weren't very sharp. So I switched to shutter priority and experimented with different speeds. I finally worked out that for hand held shooting (no tripod) it's best, especially with no vibration reduction, to use a shutter speed that has a number which is more that the focal length (zoom) you are using.
If you are, like I was, shooting at 55mm use no slower than 1/55sec or 1/60sec exposure.
Remember. Focal length < shutter speed.
So here are some photos which I really like.

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